The Air in Your Home Could be 5x Worse than the Air Outside
With new building codes in place, most homes built after 1979 are better insulated and much more tightly sealed. This helps reduce the amount of energy used to keep the home comfortable, but it also traps humidity and allergens in the home.
The Facts
- The EPA ranks indoor air pollution among the top 5 environmental risks to public health.
- The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 30% of newly constructed and remodeled facilities have indoor air quality problems.
- Because they breathe faster than adults, children inhale 50% more air per pound of bodyweight than adults and are especially sensitive to air quality problems.
- Tobacco smoke actually contains over 4,000 compounds, many of which are strong irritants.
- Many ordinary activities such as cooking, cleaning, and redecorating can spread indoor pollutants.
- Most homes generate about 40 pounds of dust per year for every 1,500 square feet of space.
- About 40,000 dust mites, a common cause of household allergies, can be found in only one ounce of dust.
Contact Sturm Heating & Air Conditioning today!